What I learned from my Year of Hiking

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Last year this time, I was wondering what I feel like setting the resolution for the year 2017. What came to my mind was that I want to be mentally strong in order to face adversity in life and on the other hand, I want to be physically fit as I didn’t do any sport and got sick very often. We always do the resolution at the end of the year or in early new year but always end up not fulfilling it after two or three months later. So I set fun resolution which I am eager to do to support my goals. That’s how my Year of Hiking started.

Starting from January to December 2017, I managed to find time to do hiking. While I was in Myanmar, it took me at least five to eight hours to go to the mountains where I can hike. After moving to Hong Kong, my resolution became real because there are many places to go hiking in Hong Kong with easy access. The whole year, I hiked from one hour hiking to six hours hiking. So here what I learned from my Year of Hiking.

Nothing is Impossible Spirit

“It always seem impossible until it is done”

~ Nelson Mandela

When I started hiking at Mount Victoria in Chin State, Myanmar, I had no regular walking exercises before that let alone doing proper training. I doubt myself whether I can reach to the top or not. I challenged myself and I made it to the top finally. The feeling was very rewarding and fulfilling when I had done something that I think it won’t be possible. This taught me to believe in myself even if it seems impossible with my ability but putting all my effort and targeting to my goal with determination will make it happen.

Team Spirit

When I go hiking, I always go with a group of people. One time, I went hiking with total strangers that I met for the first time on hiking day. It was not easy to go a five-hours journey with those strangers who I don’t know anything about them. That was the most challenging mountain I have ever hiked. Along the way, I learned about my team members and adjusted in between what I wanted to do and what other people wanted to do. This taught me how to be a team player and be flexible whatever the situations come while working towards a common goal.

Never Give-up Spirit

“Don’t stop until you are proud.”

During hiking challenging mountains which took like four to five hours, I feel like giving up in the midst of nowhere feeling hungry, exhausted, lost on the way, and not seeing the destination. But when I am halfway to my destination, I rather keep on moving to reach the destination than giving up so that I can see the beauty of reaching to the destination with fulfillment. This made me reflect back to the career journey where I may thirst for knowledge and improvement but sometimes career destination may seem a long way to reach and feel like giving up. But giving up will give me no result so it is better to keep on moving putting best effort to see the fruits of my labor.

Healthy Body gives Healthy Mind

The more I do hiking, the better my physical stamina is. Before that, I got sick quite often which disrupted me especially at work where I couldn’t think well and concentrate. Hiking helped me improve my physical strength to have healthy body. This made me consider to do regular exercises with healthy diet to have healthy body which in terms support to have healthy mind. As a writer, it is very important to have good mood to write with concentration so that ideas will flow constantly.

Success is about Progress

Along the way of hiking, the scenery were very beautiful to enjoy whichever mountain it was. Beginning with an end in mind (destination) and enjoying along the way (process) gave me a good time. If I didn’t enjoy and complain during the journey, I will end up not seeing the beauty along the way. What I learned from it was while working on my goal, it is important to enjoy the journey not to miss the great moment and celebrate small wins reaching the milestones making progress.

Reflecting back to my Year of Hiking made me proud of myself achieving my resolution over a year. My initial intention of improving mental and physical strength reached to a certain extent. The lessons I learned from my Year of Hiking were by-products of my resolution. This encourages me to set another resolution for year 2018. So next year this time, I will be sharing about my learning. Stay Tune!

Laura Cho

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