Clarity Coaching

If you are someone who

  • Feel disappointed in your current situation and unsure about what to do next.
  • Think to apply jobs but you want a meaningful career that fulfils your life and pays you well.
  • Don’t know where to start to have clear understanding of what you want in life and what career you want to work for.

You are struggling to find your Dream career and looking for someone to guide you how to.

I get you and I can show you How.

Confucius once said “Do what you love and you will never work a day”.

This program is for someone who is driven, ambitious and committed to live a life of doing what you love.

Session #1 - Clarity Assessment

Albert Einstein brilliantly once said

"You cannot solve problems from the same level of thinking that created them."

It means certain level of thinking got you where you are.

If you are not in love with your career, you are not in the right career so you need to find out what is the best career for you. For this reason, we are going to spend one session asking you lots of questions about your career – what you like, what you don’t like, what you are great at (and so much more!).

Result – After this session, you will have clarity about your strengths, areas to improve and your ideal work life.

Session #2 - Idea Generation for Career Path

You don’t know what you don’t know about what careers are out there! That’s why one of the best things I do for clients is help them see all the different types of career paths that are out there for them. I will go through career clarity exercises with you.

Result – Based on your feedback, I will tailor our options down into a short list that you can pursue for your ideal career and companies.

Session # 3 - Preparation

This is where it gets fun! Now that we’ve done an intense dive on who you are, your strengths, and the best options for you, you will COMMIT to a path you’re excited about.

Polishing your elevator pitch.

Creating a personal branding strategy (including social media!).

Networking strategies.

Result – You will get ready to present yourself to your future employer.

Session # 4 - Land your Dream Job

Customised Templates for every phase of your job search – from letting friends know you’re looking for a new job to the final post-interview Thank You note.

Outcome of Clarity Coaching Program

More clarity on the most authentic career options for you.

Awareness on the types of jobs and possibilities that you didn’t even know existed!

To connect with yourself — to be honest with yourself.

A professional assessment of your strengths and core values.

More confidence to land a beautiful job you deserve.

An action plan to get dream career going.
